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Who are You Without Your Blocks with Emily Wikel

Have you been experiencing stuckness or heaviness? Or maybe there’s an area of your life that isn’t flowing? Or a manifestation that isn’t coming through? These are usually signs that our limiting beliefs are serving as blocks. We all have them - we’re human! It’s what we do with these beliefs that can either lead to us acting out of fear or acting out of expansion. This workshop was created to give you tools on how to identify a limiting belief, test if it’s in your body and how to clear it, and will leave you in the experience of presence and empowerment through a breathwork session.

Emily is the Marketing Manager at Shakti Power Yoga and teaches here on Tuesday’s at 5pm, Thursday’s at 12pm, and Saturday’s at 4:30pm. She is a RYT-300 Baptiste-Certified Instructor, currently enrolled in the 300HR training with Shakti Yoga University, breathwork facilitator, and intuitive healer. With 4 years of limited belief work and training, she recently found her niche in facilitating breathwork and serving as a conduit for others' healing. She loves sharing the tools that have drastically changed her life with others so they too can create the life they desire in the present moment. The price also includes a 50% off coupon for a 1:1 channel or breathwork session with Emily!

What you will need:
- Yoga Mat
- Blanket
- Blanket for breathwork session
- Eye cover (optional)