Join us in our monthly Soundbath with Shea Carter! Bring a friend and bask in the beauty and love of sound.
The experience will begin with 15 minutes of BREATHING EXERCISES, followed by BREATH-TO-MOVEMENT KRIYAS, leading into a 30-40 minute SOUND BATH. CHAKRAS are the main energy centers of the body, and sound healing helps to balance and align our CHAKRAS. The deeply powerful vibrations of CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLS will help attune the CHAKRA energy centers, opening, cleansing, and unlocking blocked energy.
The bowls bring the energy into the right frequency and then divide that over the entire body to keep it healthy and vital. Each participant will receive premium crystals during the SOUND BATH to amplify the experience, as well as a supercharged token to take home.
$35/Members receive 20% off