Shannon Hillenmeyer

Shannon discovered yoga 15 years ago, as a means of physical fitness during her college days. As she transitioned to the "real world," she found yoga provided so much more than the physical strength and flexibility. Yoga cultivated a reflective space to reconnect to her breath and self.

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She knew she wanted to take her practice deeper as she began to notice how it sparked her overall energy, sense of connection, and gratitude "off the mat." While living in Los Angeles, she discovered the Vinyasa Flow classes of Steve Ross and Bryan Kest. Later, Shannon moved to Chicago and found a haven at North Shore Yoga. In 2009, she completed her teacher training under Sharyn Galindo's guidance, and gained her Yoga Alliance certification.  Sharyn's focus on yogic philosophy and pranayama further fueled her intrigue and excitement to share the practice with others.  Shannon is grateful for the unending journey and continual challenge that yoga provides, and she strives to deepen her practice through the insight of senior teachers and her students. Shannon's classes combine vigorous vinyasa with warmth and acceptance.  She hopes her students will meet new challenges with curiosity and ease, always leaving room for exploration and new horizons, on and off the mat.  

In addition, Shannon graduated from the University of Chicago with a Masters in Social Work in 2012.  She is in awe of the way yoga continues to inform this work outside of the studio.  In 2017, she moved to Nashville with her husband Hunter, and their three daughters, Harper, Brynn, and Lyla.